Recipe of Perfect Mashed Potato Salad with Hamburgers

Mashed potatoes with a hamburger

Hello everyone, this is Brad, welcome to our recipe site. Today we will prepare a special dish - step-by-step instructions for making a quick homemade salad with mashed potatoes and hamburger. This is one of my favorite recipes. Now I'm going to create something special. It will be delicious.

When it comes to preparing healthy meals for your family, there will be some level of distribution within the level. The good news is that there are recipes that can be healthy, but the healthy nature of these recipes is hidden. Those who do not know should not harm them in this case (except in case of allergies, which should not be forgotten).

The same is true with dinner, where we often turn to a can of soup or a can of macaroni and cheese or something similar instead of making a creative effort to make a quick and easy yet delicious dinner. You can see a lot of ideas in this article, and I hope that it will not only give you a good start to finish the R-UT dinner that we all look forward to someday, but also as a new test of your stuff.

First, you need to understand what the different terms you will find in the recipe mean. There are many new and sometimes unfamiliar terms that you may see in common recipes. These terms can mean that a recipe failure is a failure or a success. You'll find excellent sections in almost every cookbook that explain different definitions of foreign terms. If you're not sure what "scrambled egg" means, it's in your best interest to research it.

Many factors affect the quality of the hamburger mashed potato salad, from the type of ingredients, the choice of fresh ingredients, the ability to cut the dish, the preparation and the presentation. If you want to make a delicious hamburger mashed potato salad at home, do not worry, because if you know the technique, this dish can be unusually tasty.

To proceed with this recipe, we need to prepare several ingredients. You can make hamburger mashed potatoes with 17 ingredients and 4 steps. Here's how you can get it.

Delicious salad.

Ingredients and condiments for preparing mashed potatoes with hamburgers:

  1. meat sandwich
  2. 1-2/3 pounds sirloin
  3. 1/4 cup dehydrated onion
  4. Black pepper to taste
  5. 1 teaspoon of salt
  6. 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  7. Additional buns and burgers if needed
  8. the potatoes
  9. 2 kilos of potatoes with milk
  10. How much water is needed to cook potatoes?
  11. dirty
  12. 1 cup sour cream
  13. 1/2 amount of butter
  14. 1 cup mayonnaise
  15. 15 ounces of beef broth
  16. 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  17. 1/4 cup parsley

Instructions for preparing mashed potatoes with hamburger

  1. Add the potatoes to the pan. Pour the water Cook until fork tender. Mix the ingredients to make the hamburger and fry until cooked.
  2. Drain the potatoes and set aside. Remove the burgers and set aside. Add cornstarch to about a quart of stock. Start thinning the sauce by adding the stock to the pot where the burgers are cooking. Mash the potatoes. To melt the butter.
  3. Add the potatoes to the bowl. Add sour cream, salt, mayonnaise, season. Mix well.
  4. Add parsley mixture, leave for 10 minutes before serving. You like this!!

Plus, you'll get better and better as you build your experience and confidence, and you'll get better as you modify foods to suit your personal preferences. If you like more or less ingredients or want to make a recipe less or less spicy, you can make simple changes to achieve that goal. In other words, you will have your snacks ready in no time. And it's basically something you don't know when it comes to cooking skills for beginners, but you'll never know if you don't master those cooking skills.

So that's it, we're done with how to make this special mashed potato salad for every night of the week. Thank you very much for your time. I'm sure you can do it at home. There will be interesting recipes for homemade dishes. Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser and share it with your family, friends and colleagues. Thanks for reading. Let's cook!

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