How to Prepare Favorite Creamy Tomato Pasta (Instant Pot)

Hi everyone, I'm Dave, welcome to our recipe site. Today I will show you how to prepare a special dish, how to make the Perfect Creamy Tomato Pasta (Instant Boiler). One of my favorite recipes. I'll make it a little bit special for me. It will be delicious.

There may be some differences of opinion when it comes to preparing healthy meals for your family. The good news is that there are many healthy recipes out there, but the healthy nature of the recipes is well hidden. In this situation, they shouldn't care about what they don't know (except for allergies, which won't go unnoticed).

The same thing happens after lunch, usually after using a box of soup, or even a box of cheese or a similar product, instead of spending our creative efforts on making a quick and easy but delicious meal. You've probably seen a lot of ideas in this article and we hope these ideas will help you, as well as complement the eating habits that most of us seek out sooner or later and try things out. new yourself.

To begin with, perhaps not all great dinners require real preparation. Some of them will need to use a microwave, while others will want to cook it or at least pre-process and reheat it. Once you understand the creative concepts you need to build, the possibilities are nearly endless. Also, you should understand that some of these ideas are so simple that you will be asked why you never thought about them. Hope some of these thoughts become a key feature in your home.

The flavor of the Creamy Tomato Puree is influenced by the type of ingredients, the choice of fresh ingredients, the ability to cut the dishes and the way they are prepared and served. If you want to make a delicious Creamy Tomato Pasta (Instant Pot) at home, don't worry, if you already know the trick, this dish can serve as an unusual special dish.

The number of servings for a creamy tomato paste (instant boiler) is 4 servings. So make sure this part is enough for you and your dear family.

Furthermore, the cooking time of the Creamy Tomato Pasta is about 6 minutes.

To start this special recipe, we need to prepare several ingredients. You can make creamy tomato paste (instant kettle) using 7 ingredients and 3 steps. How to cook.

Ingredients and spices to make Creamy Tomato Pasta (Instant Boiler):

  1. 225 q Pasta (8 oz)
  2. 235 g cream (1 cup)
  3. 120 g chicken stock (4 ounces)
  4. 400 g of grated tomatoes (12 ounces)
  5. 2 g of Italian spices (1/2 tsp)
  6. 2 g of garlic powder (1/2 tsp)
  7. 1 g onion (1/2 tsp)

Steps for making creamy tomato paste (instant boiler)

  1. [Instant Pot] Add (225g) the pasta, (235g) the cream, (120g) the chicken stock and (400g) the tomato puree.
  2. [Instant Pot] (2g) Add Italian spices, (2g) garlic powder and (1g) onion powder.
  3. [Instant Pot] HIGH Boil for 6 minutes, remove immediately.

The small steps you take to prepare healthy meals for your family mean more than a big leap. Before you know it, everyone understands energy and overall health better than they could have imagined before changing their cooking habits. If that's not enough to inspire you, you can see reasons to buy new clothes when you run out of one or two.

This will connect you to this award-winning way to make a creamy tomato paste (Instant Pot). Thank you for your time. You will definitely do this at home. In the future, there will be some interesting recipes at home. Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser and share it with your family, friends and colleagues. Thanks for reading again. Let's cook!

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