Recipe of Award-winning Sweet potatoes and raisins boiled in milk

Sweet potatoes and raisins cooked in milk

Hello everyone, I'm Jim, welcome to my recipe page. Today I will show you how to prepare a special dish, a simple way to stew sweet potatoes and raisins in milk. This is one of my favorites. For me, I'm going to make it a little bit special. It will be delicious.

Let's face it, cooking is not a top priority in the life of every person, woman or child on Earth. In fact, many people have made learning to cook an important part of their lives. This generally means that we often rely on canned and mixed foods, instead of taking our time and effort to prepare healthy meals for our family and personal enjoyment.

The same is true with lunch, when we often turn to a can of soup or even a box of cheese or other similar products, instead of devoting our creative efforts to creating a quick and easy yet healthy meal. You'll see a lot of thoughts in this report, and the hope is that these thoughts will not only get you back into the mealtime routine that we all find amazing sooner or later, but also give you the chance to try new things. everything alone

There are many who say that eating healthy food is more expensive than cooking healthy food with extras and calories. Honestly, when you compare the costs to future medical bills from not getting it, they seem minuscule in comparison. Yes, good food means extra money. In many cases, this is a very simple life event. However, as you learn to control your portions and eat the right portions, you may actually find that you are spending less and sticking to the right amount of food that you need to eat to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. .

Many things affect the quality of the taste of boiled potatoes and wine in milk, starting from the type of ingredients, then the choice of fresh ingredients, from the ability to cut the food to the way it is served and served. Don't worry if you want to make delicious sweet potatoes and raisins in pudding at home, because once you know the trick, this dish can make a great special treat.

Also, the cooking time for potatoes and raisins cooked in milk is estimated to be approx. about 30 minutes.

To start with this recipe, we need to prepare some ingredients. You can cook sweet potatoes and raisins in milk using 5 ingredients and 4 steps. Here's how to prepare it.

This makes a great snack. Toyohira Medical Center, Sapporo City Volunteer Interpreter: Student Seminar on Translation and Interpreting, Sapporo University

Ingredients and spices for sweet potato and raisin boiled milk:

  1. 250 grams of sweet potato
  2. 20 grams of raisins
  3. 200 ml) of milk
  4. 15 grams of butter
  5. Aluminum foil (for the hinged lid)

Steps to follow to make boiled potato and raisins in milk

  1. Wash the potatoes, cut them into 4 cm lengths and soak them in water.
  2. Remove the sweet potatoes from the water and put them in the pot. Add raisins, milk and butter.
  3. But make a hole in the aluminum foil the size of a can and use it as a cover.
  4. Remove the lid from the pot and boil all the remaining water for about 15 minutes.

Plus, as your experience and confidence grow, you'll quickly improvise and adapt recipes to suit your personal preferences. If you want more or less ingredients, or if you want to make a recipe with more or less spicy flavor, you can make simple changes on the way to that goal. You will start making your personal meals on time. And that's basically what you won't learn when it comes to basic cooking skills; However, you'll never know if you don't master these basic cooking skills.

So it all ends with this great meal. An easy way to make sweet potatoes and raisins cooked in milk. Thank you for your time. I'm sure you'll do it at home. Soon there will be interesting home recipes. Don't forget to bookmark this page in your browser and share it with your family, friends and colleagues. Thanks for reading. Let's cook!

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