Recipe of Any-night-of-the-week Chicken Pot Pie Soup

Hello everyone, I wish you a beautiful day. Today we are preparing a special step-by-step instructions for making the perfect stewed chicken soup. One of my favorite recipes. Let's do it a little differently. It looks fragrant and sweet.

When it comes to cooking healthy food for the family, there are obviously some differences between them. Surprisingly, there are healthy recipes, but the healthy nature of the recipes is somehow hidden. In this case, the unknown should not harm their lives (except for allergies, which in no way can be ignored).

This means that your kitchen can often be worse or worse than yours at any given time. Note that the most effective days of cooking are bad days. There are people who cook for different reasons. Some cook to eat and survive, others cook because they enjoy the whole process of swallowing. Some cook in the midst of emotional turmoil; Others bother to cook. Whatever your cooking or cooking goal, you need to start with the basics.

Surprisingly, once you learn the basics of cooking, you don't have to try them. This means you can always develop and expand your culinary skills. By discovering new recipes and developing your culinary skills and abilities, you will find that cooking your own food from scratch is more important than cooking packaged food bought from the shelves of local supermarkets.

Many ingredients influence the taste of chicken pie soup, starting with the type of ingredients, then the choice of fresh ingredients, how it works and how they can be served. If you want to make homemade chicken pie soup, don't worry, because if you already know the recipe, this dish can become an unusual specialty.

The amount of food served to make chicken pie soup is 4-6 times. So make sure this room is big enough to serve you and your loved one.

Also, the time required for making chicken pie soup varies.

To get started with this unique recipe, we first need to prepare some ingredients. You can make chicken pie soup using 10 ingredients and 11 steps. Here's how to do it.

This quick and easy soup, made from many recipes I found online, can be cooked in a broth pan or slowly for half an hour or for an hour in a quick cooking pan.

Ingredients for Chicken Puree Soup:

  1. 1 whole fried chicken or 3 large fried chicken breasts
  2. 32 ounce chicken broth box (1 extra required at 14.5 ounces)
  3. 2 tablespoons butter, vegetable oil or margarine
  4. 1 cup chopped onion (refrigerated fresh or canned - suitable for both)
  5. 2 tablespoons garlic
  6. 1-kg package of frozen vegetables (beans, corn, peas, carrots)
  7. 2 tablespoons chef's favorite spices (salt, pepper, garlic)
  8. 1/2 to 1 teaspoon ground Provencal herbs or a mixture of similar herbs
  9. 1/2 to 1 cup half or almond milk
  10. 2-3 leaves of seaweed

Step-by-step instructions for making chicken puree soup

  1. Chicken breasts: Season and fry, pre-grease or cook chicken breasts to taste. Cut the chicken into small or medium pieces and keep aside.
  2. Remove the chicken skin from the roast chicken fried chicken skin in a medium amount of roasting (which is found in most food desserts), then remove the chicken from the bones. Cut the meat into small or medium pieces, but do not cut it carefully, otherwise the pieces will be too small. Put it off.
  3. In a saucepan or pan over medium heat lighten 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, then add garlic and onion. Lightly fry until onion is soft.
  4. Add chicken and fry for 3-5 minutes with onion and garlic.
  5. Add the cold vegetables and mix with the chicken.
  6. Add chicken, semi-finished or almond milk, spices, Provencal herbs and mix well.
  7. Add herbs and try the soup base. If necessary, fix the spices. If more liquid is needed for the soup, add more chicken.
  8. Hub: Cover the pan with a lid and cook the soup over medium heat only. Reduce heat and cook for about an hour. It will be better in the long run.
  9. Close the lid of the pan and set aside, then follow the instructions for cooking the soup in the pan.
  10. More and cold cooking. One or two days in the fridge is good. If you can, do it first, then warm up and enjoy!
  11. Serve with delicious crackers for pies with cream (see recipe), crackers or salt.

Also, as you gain experience and confidence, you will become healthier and healthier by training and adjusting your diet to your personal preferences. If you need more or less ingredients or you want to make the recipe a little less spicy, you can make some simple changes to achieve this. You can easily start preparing your food on time. And for starters there are some things you don't want to know about basic culinary skills, but you can't learn them unless you practice these simple cooking skills.

So it includes the fastest homemade chicken pie soup for this special dish. Thank you so much for reading. I'm sure you'll do it at home. The women will have other delicious food. Be sure to bookmark this page in your browser and share it with family, friends and colleagues. Thanks for reading. Keep cooking!

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