Steps to Make Quick Smoked bbq baked beans

Misty fried beans

Hello everyone, this is John, welcome to our recipe page. Today we will prepare an unusual dish, a recipe for home-made smoked beans. This is one of my favorite recipes. This time I will make it a little unique. It will be really tasty.

When it comes to preparing healthy meals for our families, there are always disagreements within the ranks. The good news is that there are many useful recipes, but the usefulness of these recipes is somewhat hidden. In these cases, they should not harm the habits they do not know (except in the case of allergies).

The same goes for the dishes we usually add to a pot of soup or even a jar of pasta and cheese, instead of making a creative effort to make a quick and easy but delicious meal. You will see many ideas in this report, and we hope that these ideas will help you not only to finish the lunch route we all went to at one time or another, but also to try new things. . yourself.

Many people claim that preparing healthy meals is more expensive than preparing healthier foods that contain supplements and calories. The truth of the matter is that if you compare the costs of medical payments in the near future to avoid this, they look very low. Yes, very good food is worth the extra money. In many cases, this is a simple fact of life. However, by learning to control portions and eating the right portions, you can understand that you are adapting to the proper nutrition levels needed to maintain a balanced and active lifestyle as you spend less.

The taste of smoked roasted beans is greatly influenced by the type of ingredients, the choice of fresh ingredients, the ability to slice the dishes and the way they are prepared and served. If you want to make a delicious smoked braai at home, do not worry, if you already know the trick, this dish can be used as an unusual dish.

To start this recipe, we need to prepare a few ingredients. You can make Smoked Roasted Beans with 13 Ingredients and 7 Steps. How to cook it.

I had to do something with the remnants of the Easter ham ... A few days after Easter, I make a potato salad (because I have painted Easter eggs left, look at the recipe for a potato salad with smoked earth.) And in rolls, this year I benefited from them. ham in baked beans. Yes, I also made a roll, look for this recipe soon. So a few days after Easter, I had a cook who was slowly making it a family tradition to use most of the Easter leftovers, and this year I changed it and used a smoker instead.

Ingredients and spices you will need to cook smoked fried beans:

  1. 2 pounds of sea beans
  2. Water to boil 6 cups or more beans
  3. Favorite fried sauce
  4. Try brown sugar
  5. Try yellow mustard
  6. Half a red onion, chopped
  7. Bacon or leftover ham is optional
  8. chopped garlic to taste
  9. Salt and pepper to taste and other spices as desired
  10. hot sauce of your choice
  11. Disposable aluminum containers
  12. Chip selection
  13. Smoking water for the pot

Steps to cook smoked fried beans

  1. Pre-soak the beans for a week or overnight, following the instructions on the package.
  2. Boil the beans according to the instructions on the package. I quickly soaked and did everything in a pressure cooker / pressure cooker. I soaked the beans in a little more than 6 cups of water, boiled them for 3 minutes and left them natural for ten minutes ... then I let them go quickly.
  3. Drain the water from the boiled beans. Remember
  4. To cover the bottom, add a little oil to the pan and fry the chopped onion and immediately add the chopped garlic and ham / bacon just before that. I used the rest of the ham and used a food processor, or ... I could leave small pieces of pork - if you use pork, I cut it into small pieces before frying with onions. Remember
  5. In a large bowl, add all the wet ingredients and spices, brown sugar ... mix, then add the onion mixture, stir a little more, then add a little baked beans (you can lol at this point or just heat the oven. If you smoke if you don't or don't want to smoke, the beans are ready.)
  6. Sprinkle food spray in an aluminum pan. Pour the beans into the pan.
  7. Set up a smoking room. I use an electric cigarette. I take turns putting the food on the wood until it starts to smoke, and then I switch to medicine. And replace the tire if necessary. I left them for about 4 hours and checked them periodically. The cooking time depends only on how you want to cook the roasted beans. I just leave it to my taste. It may take 2 hours or all day ... the choice is yours ...

These small steps you can take to prepare healthy meals for your family can be more important than any leap. Before you know it, before you change your eating habits, you will find that you all have more energy and feel better than you imagined. If this motivation is not enough, after losing one or two partners, you can always find an excuse to buy new clothes.

This concludes this exceptional dish. Step-by-step instructions for preparing baked beans for frying. Thank you very much for your time. I'm sure you can do it at home. There will be interesting homemade recipes. Remember to save this page in your browser and share it with your family, colleagues and friends. Thank you for reading. Keep cooking!

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