Simple Way to Prepare Speedy Instant pot garlic mashed potatoes

Hi everyone, I'm Brad, welcome to our recipe page. Today we are preparing a special dish, your favorite instant garlic puree recipe. One of my favorite recipes to cook. This time I'll make it a little tastier. It's going to be very nice.

When it comes to cooking, it's important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. I don't know if he was born with a wooden spoon and everything. There's a lot to learn when you're a productive chef, and then there's definitely an opportunity to grow. You don't just have to learn how to cook fresh dishes like Chinese, Thai or Indian cuisine.

Preparing healthy food can be difficult as many of us don't want to take the time to plan and prepare meals that our family members won't eat. At the same time, we must make our families healthier, so we feel compelled to find new and better ways to prepare balanced meals that our family loves (and, sadly, in some cases, despises).

For those looking to incorporate healthy eating habits into their daily lives, you won't find more tools than ever before to help you get the job done. It is possible to enlist the help of a qualified nutritionist so that your doctor can advise you. In the public library you can find all kinds of books on nutrition, cooking and healthy living and it is a great way to use all kinds of internet. from books. when it comes to healthier information.

The flavor quality of instant garlic puree is affected by many factors, such as: B. the type of ingredients, the choice of fresh ingredients, the ability to cut the dishes, how they are prepared and served. Don't worry if you want to make a delicious instant garlic puree at home because if you know the trick, this dish can be used as a sophisticated specialty.

Also, the estimated time it takes to prepare the instant garlic puree is about 12 minutes.

To get started with this particular recipe, we need to prepare a few ingredients first. You can make instant garlic puree with 7 ingredients and 5 steps. This is how you can get it.

Ingredients and spices to prepare instant garlic puree:

  1. 1 (32 oz) carton chicken broth
  2. 3 kg small potatoes (new potatoes)
  3. 1/2 cup (1 stick) salted butter
  4. 1/2 block (4 ounces) cream cheese
  5. 1/2 cup of milk
  6. 3 tablespoons minced garlic
  7. salt and pepper to taste

Instant Pot Garlic Mashed Potato Instructions

  1. Pour all of the chicken broth into the bottom of a 6-quart pressure cooker (electric pressure cooker).
  2. Add the potatoes. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper
  3. Steam for 12 minutes. Gently turn the valve to "Venting" and quickly release the steam. Using oven mitts, remove graft and drain broth.
  4. Put the potatoes back in the pot. Add the butter, cream cheese, milk and garlic. Season generously with salt and pepper. Use a potato masher to mash the potatoes and mix all the ingredients together.
  5. If you need to thin the potatoes to your liking, gradually add a little milk and stir.

As your experience and confidence grow, you will improvise more and more as you walk, and your meals will be tailored to your personal preferences. Whether you need fewer or more ingredients, or want the recipe to be a little less or more spicy, you can make simple adjustments along the way to achieve that goal. That means you start preparing your own snacks on time. And you basically won't learn that when it comes to basic cooking skills for beginners, but you will never learn it if you don't master these simple cooking skills.

Thus concludes this extraordinary meal. An easy way to make instant homemade garlic puree. Thanks for your time. You will surely do it at home. There will be interesting homemade dishes. Don't forget to save this page in your browser and share it with your family, colleagues and friends. Thanks for reading again. Go to the kitchen!

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